In celebration of my excitement at seeing some dolly kei-inspired pieces at
New York Fashion Week, I got into the dolly kei zone yesterday.
Blast and bother! My tights got twisted! |
New shoes, new shoes, new shoes! |
A few status updates: WOW, was I wrong about things going back to normal. A few setbacks on costumery have had us running ourselves ragged in the VU costume shop. It's all good though -- opening night is TONIGHT! So psyched! And, starting immediately after February 20, I'll have a little more time to focus on my own designs, on the blog, and on reading books and improving my fashion-sketching. Boy, do you not even WANT to know how bad THAT looks right now! It's only to be expected, though, from someone who's only been sketching for a couple of weeks at the most.
Have you RSVP'd for the next
Indiana Fashionista Meetup Luncheon yet? Get to it! You don't want to miss this.
On the occupational front, JC Penney is out and Kohl's is in. JCP took back their job offer because I wasn't willing to train for work from 1 to 5 p.m. on a Tuesday, when they already knew that I have class 2 to 5 on Tuesdays. "Academics are the most important thing to us," the hiring manager at JCP said initially. No skin off me; I got an interview set up the very day they dropped the news on me. Not to mention they have lost themselves a worker who would have thrown herself into kicking butt at the job, providing killer customer service, and never fearing to get my hands a little dirty if it means learning more about the apparel retail business. Oh, and then there's the business they've lost from me, my family, and my friends who will take their dollars elsewhere now.
On more directly blog-related news, Midwest Fashion Week is coming up! I will probably only be able to make a personal appearance for one day, maybe two, but I am looking into sending Jared out for some stellar photo action.
And finally, since this semester's schedule is such that it's more difficult than I anticipated to get to Indianapolis to take pictures, you're going to see more street style posts from Jared in the spring. Summer will find me back behind the lens on a more regular basis. I'll be doing more article-type posts (a la
the Gemma Teller article, which is still our most popular post since this blog's beginning), and more personal style shots! This blog's primary job is still to inspire and to document the street style of the real people of Indianapolis and surrounding areas. The method is just getting a little tweaking. Stay tuned, and as always, questions or comments can be sent via the
Circle City Style Formspring, or emailed to or