Thursday, October 6, 2011

#occupywallstreet support designs are done!

Zazzle store is up! Plenty of ways to wear your support right across your chest! Please check the site, spread the word, and ORDER STUFF FOR THE CAUSE! I must emphasize that I am not keeping a dime from these sales. The proceeds will go directly to the Occupy Wall Street protesters to cover their needs. If you're a protester, and you're reading this, thank you and I love you!

Create personalized gifts at Zazzle.

If you can, I highly encourage you to click 'customize' on the design of your choice, put it on a NICE WARM HOODIE, and buy a box of them. Set this as the shipping address:

UPS Store
Occupy Wall Street
118A Fulton St. #205
New York, NY 10038

You can also direct-donate care packages, money orders, et cetera to this address.


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